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Innovative ingredients in Textiles and Laundry: research and last discoveries

Chair: Viktor Filatov, Skylab AG


Textile industry has a significant impact on the environment around the world: global water pollution, microplastic accumulation, carbon dioxide emission etc. Natural fabrics, such as nonmodified cotton, linen, wool, cashmere, silk, eucalyptus, have good consumer properties and sustainable index. However, use of inappropriate laundry detergents, changing the washing or drying regimen could lead to lose their original color, elasticity, sensorial properties, and durability.

Garment care is an industry, which is constantly developing and looking for new solutions, dedicated by current trends in fashion industry as well as sustainability challenges. So, various strategies have been hypothesized and investigated to restore natural textiles and prevent their visible and invisible damages: enzymes, protective polymers, antioxidants, special fixators and other active ingredients.

This special session will bring young and world-renown speakers that will present the cutting edge advances from academic science and industry, including:

  • Textile industry: natural fibers with improved consumer and physico-chemical characteristics as alternatives of synthetic fibers;
  • New ingredients for restoration of damaged fibers based on silk, wool, cotton;
  • New ingredients for color fixation and prevention of color bleaching, fading and transfer;
  • New ingredients for improvement of the fabric sensorial properties;
  • Biotechnologies improving the fabric appearance and increasing the durability;
  • Modern methods and techniques of fabric research;
  • Novel household products with additional value for the fabrics;
  • Last discoveries in textile industry and how to improve the laundry process.

Open for Abstract SubmissionsÂ