Notification of Acceptance

within 1 week from submission

Super Early Bird Registration Deadline

15 August 2024

Oral Presentation

Present an oral presentation on your research at the CRISTMAS 2024

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 Abstract Template

Abstract length: max 1 page

All Presentations  will be judged by recognised scientists in your field and the Best Presentations will be awarded  special prizes from the STEMM Global Scientific Society, Royal Microscopy Society and Royal Chemistry Society. 

Poster In-person

Present a poster presentation on your research at the CRISTMAS 2024

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 Abstract Template

Abstract length: max 1 page

All Presentations  will be judged by recognised scientists in your field and the Best Presentations will be awarded  special prizes from the STEMM Global Scientific Society, Royal Microscopy Society and Royal Chemistry Society. 

Online Poster

Real-time Online Poster Session in Twitter Account of CRISTMAS Conference

Streaming of 5 min recorded presenation during Poster Session to all on-site delegates


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All Poster Presentations will be judged by recognised scientists in your field and the Best Online Poster Presentations will be awarded special prizes from the CRISTMAS 2024 and partners.

All virtual Posters are tweeted on CRISTMAS official Twitter page during online Poster Session streaming, where Q&A session takes place. Poster tweet includes four images along with a brief summary, see an example.

Comments and answers are followed by all as a thread below each Poster. As compared to conventional conferences, the Poster Sessions on twitter reach a significantly wider audience, with over 1000 views. While this is not a typical Wine Reception Poster viewing, the Online Posters are visible for years, and anyone can see them by looking up the hashtag of the conference. This algorithm also allows you to create threads, directly linking relevant papers to your poster, further enhancing research exchange.

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  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf.
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