by STEMM Global and SNAIA organisers
10-13 December 2024
École Nationale Supérieure
de Chimie de Paris
Abstract Submission
Special Sessions and Symposia
SNAIA – CRISTMAS - Most Recent Innovations in Materials Science and Advanced Characterisation Methods
The SNAIA – CRISTMAS 2024 will provide a unique platform to meet, share knowledge and establish links between experts from academia and industry covering the most exciting emerging applications within fields of Photonics, (Opto)Electronics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Engineering, Quantum Computing, and Art.
CRISTMAS Scientific Program Focus
New Materials Development:
- Design of and Fundamental Research on Materials
- Coatings and Thin Films
- Composite (Nano)Materials
- Metamaterials and Metasurfaces
- Development of Fabrication and Synthesis Processes
- Prototype and Device Development and Testing
Advanced Characterisation Methods:
- Testing and Characterization in Lab and Industrial Fab Environments
- Ultrafast Characterisation methods
- Novel methods for Art and Antique non-destructive testing
- Artificial Intelligence for Analysis
- Monitoring and Tracking in Real Environment
Design of and Fundamental Research on Nanomaterials
Development of Fabrication and Synthesis Processes
Testing and Characterisation
Special Sessions and Symposia

Yoel Fink

Silvia Giordany

Venstislav Valev

Ortwin Hess

Masayoshi Tonouchi

Alexander Gumennik

Jerome Tignon

Jonas Johansson

Alberto Bramati

Pavlos Savvidis

Pavel Ginzburg

Alina Karabchevsky

Misha Portnoi

Giuseppina Padeletti

Louise Bradley

Koen Janssens

Thomas Webster

Sebastian Klembt

Gideon Segev

Yossi Rosenwaks

Lioz Etgar

Maria Kafesaki

Slaven Garaj

Eve Ammerman

Burak Temelkuran

Vladimir Antonov

Sylvain Danto

Ferruccio Renzoni

SaeJune Park

Takis Kontos

Fabien Sorin

Michael Fokine

Hiromi Okamoto

Haider Butt

Giacomo Scalari

Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton

Simona Achilli

Kristina Rusimova

David S Citrin

Igor Meglinski

Hani Barhom

Igor Rozhanskiy

Anna Tasolamprou

Yon Ju-Nam

Habib Rostami

Toms Salgals

David G Lidzey

Yuanyuan Guo

Andrey Sukhorukov

Viktor Filatov

Emilija Petronijevic

Vladimir Dyakonov

Itai Epstein

Frederic Gardes

Andrey Gorodetsky

Bruce Ou

Anastasios Koulouklidis

Jessica Boland

Eugenio Maggiolini

Hilton Barbosa de Aguiar

Anna Baldycheva
Previous Years Speakers

Christian Lerminiaux

Yuri Kivshar

Shanhui Fan

Federico Capasso

Harish Bhaskaran

Ralf Wehsprohn

Andrea Ferrari

Lorenzo Pavesi

Andrea Alu

Paolo Bondavalli

Andrei Lavrinenko

Fabien Sorin

Lioz Etgar

Slaven Garaj

Dmitry Chigrin

Joshua Kaufman

David S Citrin

Yossi Rosenwaks

Guangming Tao

Diego Colombara

Sylvain Danto

Michael Fokine

Joe Briscoe

Peter Mosley

Thomas Pertsch

Zhe Li

Burak Temelkuran

Noel Healy

Laura Lechuga

Anatoly Zayats

Coskun Kocabas

Jochen Feldman

Ferruccio Renzoni

Pavlos Lagoudakis

Helen Gleeson
Chimie ParisTech
École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie
Paris, France
Ligne B : station Luxembourg
Ligne 7 : stations Place Monge et Censier Daubenton
Ligne 10 : stations Cluny La Sorbonne, Maubert Mutualité et Cardinal Lemoine
Bus 21 et 27 : arrêt Saint-Jacques-Gay Lussac
Bus 47 : arrêt Monge
Bus 84 et 89 : arrêt Panthéon
Warning of a scam from travellerpoint(dot)org
It was brought to our attention, that unfortunately, someone is using the CRISTMAS Conference to perform a scam.
Please be careful if you received emails from travellerpoint(dot)org. The email asks about arrival and departure dates to paris and offers a hotel booking form where they ask for credit card details.
We are doing all we can to avoid this from happening again and are in contact with law enforcement to prohibit them from doing it again.
Please, ignore the emails and do not reply nor click on any link given by them. You can also block the domain on your email client.
The CRISTMAS 2023 is organised by academics and for academics. We are not organising hotels and travels for speakers, so please ignore any emails or phone calls in relation with these things.
We will never try to reach you over phone and will always contact by email [email protected]
In case if you are contacted by third party organisation in relation with this conference, please contact us immediately, as this can be a SCAM. Avoid giving private information to external sources. The only official way to register for the conference is by using our official system, which you can find on the Registration page.