Conference on Research and Innovations in Science and Technology of Materials

by STEMM Global and SNAIA organisers

10-13 December 2024

École Nationale Supérieure
de Chimie de Paris

Abstract Submission

Special Sessions and Symposia

Submit abstract now

This conference not only attracts engaging speakers, but it is also organised to offer excellent opportunities for building collaborations. In 2018, following my talk, Prof David Andrews rose up with a question and, since then, we have written several papers and grant applications together. Our collaboration has been recognised with awards from the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Physics, and it might not have happened without the organizers’ dedication to bringing scientists together, in this beautiful and historic setting.

Ventsislav ValevUniversity of Bath

This vibrant, intellectually stimulating conference, organized by the top-notch young scientists from around the globe, delivers concentrated frontiers in science and technology of nanomaterials for real-world applications. The attendee gets the full depth and breadth of ideas exchange and networking, avoiding the confusion of a typical, overwhelmingly large, material-science conference. And all that – in a magical atmosphere of the pre-Christmas Paris.

Alexandre GumennikIndiana University, USA

A top conference! A rock-solid organization team. An excellent program. It’s nice, fun and very instructive. A must!

Jerome TignonSorbonne University & Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France

Great networking and a lot of wine!

Pavlos LagoudakisUniversity of Southampton & Scoltech, UK

What is the best scientific, social and scientifically social option for a mid-December?
The obvious answer is CRISTMAS – leading topical conference, which welcomes new ideas, promotes new collaborations, gives opportunities to young scientists, and… just lovely to attend. I go there 🥳 !

Pavel GinzburgTel Aviv University, Israel

An excellent interdisciplinary conference with top speakers and "intense" social program. Worth attending again!

Oleg YazyevEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

Impressing conference with high level keynotes and invited speakers. Each year is a pleasure to attend this conferene in this very beautiful venue in the middle of Paris and to discuss with high level scientists.

Paolo BondavalliThales Research and Technology

I quite enjoyed the conference. The conference covered a broad range of topics in nanomaterials, and the interactions between people from different disciplines were very stimulating. I would like to thank the organizers for their excellent efforts.

Shanhui FanStanford University

SNAIA – CRISTMAS - Most Recent Innovations in Materials Science and Advanced Characterisation Methods

The SNAIA – CRISTMAS 2024 will provide a unique platform to meet, share knowledge and establish links between experts from academia and industry covering the most exciting emerging applications within fields of Photonics, (Opto)Electronics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Engineering, Quantum Computing, and Art.

CRISTMAS Scientific Program Focus

New Materials Development:

- Design of and Fundamental Research on Materials

- Coatings and Thin Films

- Composite (Nano)Materials

- Metamaterials and Metasurfaces

- Development of Fabrication and Synthesis Processes

- Prototype and Device Development and Testing

Advanced Characterisation Methods:

- Testing and Characterization in Lab and Industrial Fab Environments

- Ultrafast Characterisation methods

- Novel methods for Art and Antique non-destructive testing

- Artificial Intelligence for Analysis

- Monitoring and Tracking in Real Environment

Design of and Fundamental Research on Nanomaterials

Development of Fabrication and Synthesis Processes

Testing and Characterisation


Yoel Fink

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Silvia Giordany

Dublin City University

Venstislav Valev

University of Bath

Ortwin Hess

Trinity College Dublin

Masayoshi Tonouchi

Osaka University

Alexander Gumennik

Indiana University

Jerome Tignon

Ecole Normale Superieur

Jonas Johansson

Lund University

Alberto Bramati

Sorbonne University

Pavlos Savvidis

Westlake University

Pavel Ginzburg

Tel Aviv University

Alina Karabchevsky

Ben-Gurion University of Negev

Misha Portnoi

University of Exeter

Giuseppina Padeletti

Institute of Nanostructured Materials, CNR

Louise Bradley

Trinity College Dublin

Koen Janssens

University of Antwerp

Thomas Webster

Hebei University of Technology

Sebastian Klembt

University of Würzburg

Gideon Segev

Tel Aviv University

Yossi Rosenwaks

Tel Aviv University

Lioz Etgar

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Maria Kafesaki

University of Crete

Slaven Garaj

National University of Singapore

Eve Ammerman

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Burak Temelkuran

Imperial College London

Vladimir Antonov

Royal Holloway University of London

Sylvain Danto

University of Bordeaux

Ferruccio Renzoni

University College London

SaeJune Park

Queen Mary University of London

Takis Kontos

Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris

Fabien Sorin

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Michael Fokine

Nobula 3D

Hiromi Okamoto

Institute for Molecular Science Japan

Haider Butt

Khalifa University Abu Dhabi

Giacomo Scalari

ETH Zurich

Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Simona Achilli

University of Milan

Kristina Rusimova

University of Bath

David S Citrin

Georgia Institute of Technology

Igor Meglinski

Aston University

Hani Barhom

Tel Aviv University

Igor Rozhanskiy

University of Manchester

Anna Tasolamprou

University of Athens

Yon Ju-Nam

Swansea University

Habib Rostami

University of Bath

Toms Salgals

Riga Technical University

David G Lidzey

University of Sheffield

Yuanyuan Guo

Tohoku University

Andrey Sukhorukov

Australian National University

Viktor Filatov

SkyLab AG

Emilija Petronijevic

Sapienza University of Rome

Vladimir Dyakonov

University of Würzburg

Itai Epstein

Tel Aviv University

Frederic Gardes

University of Southampton

Andrey Gorodetsky

University of Birmingham

Bruce Ou

University of Southampton

Anastasios Koulouklidis

Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy (RUN)

Jessica Boland

University of Manchester

Eugenio Maggiolini

Johannes Kepler University

Hilton Barbosa de Aguiar

École Normale Supérieure

Anna Baldycheva

University of Exeter

Previous Years Speakers

Christian Lerminiaux

École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris

Yuri Kivshar

Australian National University

Shanhui Fan

Stanford University

Federico Capasso

Harvard University

Harish Bhaskaran

Oxford University

Ralf Wehsprohn

Fraunhofer Institute

Andrea Ferrari

Cambridge University

Lorenzo Pavesi

University of Trento

Andrea Alu

City University of New York

Paolo Bondavalli

Thales Research and Technology

Andrei Lavrinenko

Technical University of Denmark

Fabien Sorin

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Lioz Etgar

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Slaven Garaj

National University of Singapore

Dmitry Chigrin

DWI Leibniz Institute for Iterative Materials and RWTH Aachen University

Joshua Kaufman

CREOL, University of Central Florida

David S Citrin

Georgia Institute of Technology

Yossi Rosenwaks

Tel Aviv University

Guangming Tao

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Diego Colombara

University of Genova

Sylvain Danto

University of Bordeaux

Michael Fokine

Nobula 3D

Joe Briscoe

Queen Mary University of London

Peter Mosley

University of Bath

Thomas Pertsch

Jena University

Zhe Li

QMUL Materials Research Institute

Burak Temelkuran

Imperial College London

Noel Healy

Newcastle University

Laura Lechuga

Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2)

Anatoly Zayats

Kings College London

Coskun Kocabas

University of Manchester

Jochen Feldman

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Ferruccio Renzoni

University College London

Pavlos Lagoudakis

Southampton University

Helen Gleeson

Leeds University


Chimie ParisTech
École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie
Paris, France

Ligne B : station Luxembourg

Ligne 7 : stations Place Monge et Censier Daubenton
Ligne 10 : stations Cluny La Sorbonne, Maubert Mutualité et Cardinal Lemoine

Bus 21 et 27 : arrêt Saint-Jacques-Gay Lussac
Bus 47 : arrêt Monge
Bus 84 et 89 : arrêt Panthéon

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